Immigration : E.U. fails on relocation agreement

Mercredi, 22 Juillet 2015

The E.U. failed to agree on how to distribute 40,000 asylum seekers in Greece and Italy among its members over the next two years

Following the deaths of 700 people on a precarious boat heading from Libya to Italy in April, E.U. leaders called in june for agreement on the relocation of immigrants throughout Europe by the end of July. Some 150,000 migrants fleeing wars and poverty have reached Europe by sea so far in 2015, mainly in Greece and Italy, and this number will only grow in the future. These two countries being already economically fragile and hit by a long recession are asking the other members for support and solidarity for the managment of the flow of people. Though E.U. countries have so far only agreed to take about 32,000 of the asylum seekers from Italy and Greece postponing the decision until the end of the year.


Union Européenne