The Covid-19 pandemic and intime partner violence against women in the EU : the EIGE report
The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) has published a major report on partner violence during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study provides an overview of the measures initiated in the EU to support victims of violence during the first months of the pandemic and provides recommendations to improve support for victims in possible future crises.
The evidence is clear: domestic violence has increased during the confinements in Europe. All EU Member States have responded to this scourge by adopting measures to protect the women concerned and their children. However, these measures are mostly reactive, often temporary and/or not accompanied by the necessary and sufficient means.
POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ-PLS shares this report with you, which highlights good practices observed in four states in particular (Belgium, which had adapted some services at the beginning of the March 2020 containment, Ireland, Spain and Slovenia). In this way, it is a valuable tool not only to better understand the current challenges faced by Member States, aid services and European citizens, but also to disseminate the good practices implemented.
Read more:
Confinement et violences domestiques : où obtenir de l'aide (Belgique)
Face au COVID 19 et au confinement, les femmes paient un lourd tribut
Etat des lieux des violences intrafamilales en Région bruxelloise durant la pandémie de COVID19
©European Institute for Gender Equality, 2021
©Illustration de la couverture: eldar nurkovic/