Inequalities and abuse in old age : time to act - AGE conference

Mercredi, 7 Juin 2017
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AGE Platform Europe will hold its fifth thematic conference on 7 June 2017 in Brussels. This year, AGE conference seizes the momentum of European Commission’s year of actions on violence against women, the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and the growing acceptance within the EU that more needs to be done to ensure an equal protection of older people's rights and combat elder abuse.

Building on AGE’s policy work in these areas and aiming to collect experiences and views that will shape AGE's future work, the event will bring together representatives of EU countries, European institutions and civil society to discuss how human rights in old age can be materialised using the existing framework, and consider the added value of further measures, such as a new United Nations (UN) treaty.

“The impact of ageism should not be underestimated. Ageism is the root of the marginalization, social exclusion and isolation of older persons. It is also intimately linked to violence and abuse against them in public and private spheres as scapegoating and stereotyping nourish subconscious motives.” Ms. Rosa Kornfeld-Matte, United Nations Independent Expert on the Enjoyment of All Human Rights by Older Persons